• 22 Oct, 2024

Dharmayuddha 2024

Dharmayuddha 2024

The 2024 elections will go way beyond politics and parties. The stakes are much higher. Let’s have no illusion about this—if Narendra Modi’s government does not come back with a clear majority, we may well lose the battle for Bharat to I.N.D.I.A and the global Woke.


One of the reasons—besides, of course, wilful mischief and political expediency—that Sanatan Dharma comes under attack is the fact that most who criticize and attack it know or understand little of it. And this, unfortunately, applies equally to many who seek to defend it. Therefore, most of the public discourse around Sanatan Dharma is drowned out by political or vital-emotional noise. What is needed is reasoned and knowledgeable debate on Dharma across platforms—a crucial necessity as Sanatan Dharma defines and shapes the very nature and character of Indian civilization. It is not a matter to be taken lightly or dismissed as political noise.  

Those of us who know or understand the Sanatan Dharma of our Vedic forefathers—that which I have called the Sanatan Dharma of the Vedas and the Upanishads—would have by now realized that the Sanatan Dharma that is being publicly insulted by so many political leaders is not the real Sanatan Dharma at all, it is the ‘Sanatan Dharma’ wilfully distorted and projected by some deeply desperate people who are being moved not just by political expediencies but deeper forces of adharma and falsehood beyond their control. 

The battle for Dharma, or the dharmayuddha as we would call it, however localized it may seem, is always a cosmic one. This is what the great seers and prophets of Sanatan Dharma have revealed through the ages—that great inner and outer battles have to be fought before the truths of Dharma are established upon earth, and Dharma takes root in human nature. 

Such a battle is upon us now, and the lines are clearly drawn. We are at the threshold of the dharmayuddha of the 21st Century. 

2024 is the election year when India will elect her 18th Lok Sabha. This election will, however, go way beyond politics and parties. The stakes will be much higher. Let’s have no illusion about this—if Narendra Modi’s government does not come back with a clear majority, we may well lose the battle for Bharat to I.N.D.I.A and the global Woke. And this goes beyond smart labels and names. Bharat represents a civilizational continuity at one level and a global human future at another. It is Bharat alone that can, and must, become the vishvaguru, the world-guide, to steer human civilization towards a new world and a new consciousness. Every nation has a destined role to play in the evolution of human civilization, and this is Bharat's destined role amongst the nations of the world, a natural and logical outcome of a 4000 year old civilizational force that we call the Sanatan Dharma.

This Sanatan Dharma must be known, and understood, for what it is. That is really the first step in the dharmayuddha. Knowledge, or Jnana, is our first great astra, the divine weapon, for Jnana bestows Shakti—strength and power. And Shakti, when used for Dharma, becomes divine Shakti, that which is so splendidly symbolized by Durga in the Sanatan Dharma. Without divine Shakti, this dharmayuddha cannot be fought and won. 

It is, therefore, time to invoke the divine Shakti for our nation, our civilization, and indeed our humanity. We ourselves, each one of us who wishes to stand for Dharma, must become instruments of this Shakti. 

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः as our great seers declared—Dharma protects when protected. 


Partho Sanyal

Writer and poet, Partho is an exponent of integral Vedanta, and is a follower of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He writes and speaks on Vedanta, Sanatan Dharma and Sri Aurobindo's integral Yoga.

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